Holistic, Somatic, Psychotherapy for PMDD
You don’t need to suffer alone…
Welcome! You’re in good hands…
You had been working so hard to hold it all together… shooting for perfection, achieving major success in your academic/career endeavors. Then you experienced one or more major life stressors. It no longer became possible to mask…and you had a “breakdown”, your body said no more! All symptoms shut down. It was terrifying, you felt crazy and out of control. Worst of all it felt like you lost touch with yourself. All sorts of emotions came bubbling to the surface. Deep sadness, uncontrollable rage, anxiety, and panic. Your doctor or OBGYN diagnosed you with Premenstrual Dysporic Disorder. Now you need help processing, making sense of what happened, and help putting the pieces of your life back together. You want to find a way back to the essence of what made you, YOU!
Support with your PMDD journey starts here…
Therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home
Maybe (like most of us) you have realized the convenience of doing most of your appointments from home. You can wear your pajamas, and sip your favorite tea, and the best part is you don’t have to get in your car. You can make a mid-day session as well. Therapy from home is especially nice When you have PMDD because, as you already know, there are days/ weeks when leaving your house or maybe even your bed can feel impossible. Now you don’t have to. Let me support you during your Hell Week (or Dragon Week as I like to call it). Even if you need to cancel on everything else, a supper mellow therapy session focused on resourcing and self-care can support you in this time of extra need. We can save the depth work for another week of your menstrual cycle.
Not only is online therapy more convenient, it can also be more effective. That part about being at home and cozy actually increases your ability to feel safe, and therefore be more honest, open, and authentically you. So not only is online therapy more convenient, but it also has the potential to be more effective.
PMDD Can be Debilitating
“My period starts next week, I woke up with extreme feelings of sadness and I have no motivation to do anything.. it feels like every month pmdd just gets worse and worse, I don’t want this to be the death of me. It’s hard having this added to my mental plate”
— Ella H.
“I feel that the worst part about PMDD is the absence of hope. You feel like everything around you is wrong and that it won't get any better. What you're doing isn't enough. You're not the right person for your job. You don't have enough friends. You aren't improving in life. Time is running out. You're stagnant. You won't be able to handle things. You always say and do the wrong thing. It’s exhausting!”
— Anna M.